Factory functions ================= In this document, you will learn: #. About pre-defined factories included in **Ring**. #. About storage backends. #. About target functions and descriptors. #. About Django extension. #. About common tips. Built-in factory functions and backends --------------------------------------- **Factory function** means the end user interface of **Ring**, which usually looks like ``@ring.lru``, ``@ring.dict``, ``@ring.memcache``, ``@ring.django``, etc. These factory functions create concrete ring decorators by arguments. Technically the factory functions are not associated with each backend as bijection, but the built-in functions are mostly matching to the backends. So practically each factory function part of this document is including backend descriptions. **Ring** includes support for common cache storages: - :func:`ring.lru` - :func:`ring.dict` - :func:`ring.memcache` - :func:`ring.redis` - :func:`ring.shelve` - :func:`ring.disk` Which are shortcuts of concrete implementations and tools below: .. autosummary:: ring.func.sync.lru ring.func.sync.dict ring.func.sync.memcache ring.func.sync.redis_py ring.func.sync.shelve ring.func.sync.diskcache ring.func.asyncio.dict ring.func.asyncio.aiomcache ring.func.asyncio.aioredis ring.func.asyncio.create_factory_from ring.func.asyncio.create_asyncio_factory_proxy :see: :mod:`ring.func` for built-in backends. Target functions and descriptors -------------------------------- Ring decorators can be adapted to any kind of methods and descriptors. :note: **Ring** decorator must be placed at the top-most position. The descriptors themselves are not functions. **Ring** needs to be on the top to look into them to run descriptors in the proper way. .. code-block:: python class A(object): v = None def __ring_key__(self): '''convert self value typed 'A' to ring key component''' return v @ring.lru() def method(self): '''method support''' ... @ring.lru() @classmethod def cmethod(self): '''classmethod support''' ... @ring.lru() @staticmethod def smethod(self): '''staticmethod support''' ... @ring.lru() @property def property(self): '''property support''' ... Any custom descriptors following common conventions will be supported: - The decorator has the original function as a getter attribute. For example, `classmethod` has `__func__` attribute. `property` has `fget` attribute. - Any descriptor returning a callable is a method descriptor; Otherwise property. - When a descriptor is a method descriptor, it must be a static, class, object or hybrid method for any kind of parameter input. - A static method descriptor returns a non-method function or method which doesn't take an object of the type or the class type as the first argument. - A class method descriptor returns a method function which takes the class type as the first argument. - An object method descriptor returns a method function which takes an object of the type. - A hybrid method can be a combination of one of the static, class or object method by each caller type of object or type class. The hybrid method should keep consistency for the same type of the caller. - When a descriptor is a property descriptor, it must return non-callable object. Note that normal python function returning a callable makes sense but not much about **Ring**. We don't save python functions in storages. - For advanced descriptor control, see :func:`wirerope.wire.descriptor_bind`. Django extension ---------------- Though **Django** itself is not a storage, it has its own cache API. **Ring** has a factory function for high-level interface `cache_page` and the other one `cache` for the low-level interface. .. autosummary:: ring.django.cache_page ring.django.cache :see: :mod:`ring.django` for extension. Common factory parameters ------------------------- :see: :func:`ring.func.base.factory` for generic factory definition. .. _factory.shortcut: Creating factory shortcuts -------------------------- Usually, each project has common patterns of programming including common cache pattern. Repeatedly passing common arguments must be boring. Python already has an answer - use :func:`functools.partial` to create shortcuts. .. code-block:: python import functools import ring import pymemcache.client client = pymemcache.client.Client(('', 11211)) # Verbose calling @ring.memcache(client, coder='pickle', user_interface=DoubleCacheUserInterface) def f1(): ... # Shortcut mem_ring = functools.partial( ring.memcache, client, coder='pickle', user_interface=DoubleCacheUserInterface) @mem_ring() def f2(): ... The decorators of `f1` and `f2` work same. Custom factory -------------- :see: :doc:`extend`